Guardianships, Conservatorships and Other Protective Proceedings

Preparing valid and thorough legal documents ahead of time is the best plan to avoid the need for a court-ordered guardian or conservator. These might include a Financial Power of Attorney and an Advance Health Care Directive or possibly a trust. If there are no legal documents and an individual does not have legal decision-making capacity, it may be necessary to petition the Probate Court to appoint a guardian or conservator or to authorize another protective arrangement for the individual.

The Probate Court may appoint a guardian for an individual who is unable to make or communicate decisions regarding his or her physical needs. The Probate Court may appoint a conservator for an individual who is unable to manage finances or property.

Maine Elder Law Firm represents petitioners seeking appointment as guardian or conservator. Our team is also dedicated to exploring and implementing alternatives to guardianship and conservatorship, ensuring that the least restrictive options are utilized to promote independence and autonomy.

Learn More about Maine Guardianships and Conservatorships

We welcome you to browse our articles on guardianship and conservatorship.

We’re Here to Help

To consult with us about whether a protective proceeding is needed and the process for petitioning the Probate Court. Get started here.