Attorneys Joy Trueworthy and Rachel Trafton Present on Medicaid Planning
May 31st, 2019
Rudman Winchell and Maine Elder Law Firm Attorneys Joy Trueworthy and Rachel Trafton will present on the topic of Medicaid Planning on June 5, 2019. Joy and Rachel were asked by the National Business Institute to present to local attorneys, paralegals, nursing home administrators, financial planners, accountants, and geriatric care managers on planning for Medicaid long-term care benefits, known as MaineCare in Maine.
Joy and Rachel will discuss the options available to pay for long-term care services such as in-home care or nursing home care. They will also explain the asset rules to be eligible for MaineCare benefits. If you are interested in registering for this full day seminar, or in the materials to be presented, please see this link: Medicaid Planning.
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