Long-Term Care Planning

Asset Protection

Our clients may seek advice on how to protect their real estate, their investments, and their personal savings from liabilities including long-term care expenses. Where appropriate, we call on other professionals, including accountants, financial advisors, and long-term care insurance specialists. We also advise clients on the risks of lifetime transfers and the benefits of various types of trusts to accomplish their objectives. Read More

MaineCare Planning and Applications

When an individual faces an immediate need for expensive long-term care, our elder law attorneys consider many factors, including the individual’s income and assets, any medical and long-term care insurance coverage, military service, family circumstances, and especially the individual’s objectives. Even after a health care crisis, there often are legitimate strategies available to protect an individual’s assets from long-term care expenses, including costs of nursing homes, of residential care/assisted living facilities, and of nursing services in the home. Read More