KeepME Home Initiative

With the high expenses, including heating costs, other housing expenses, and medical care, it is a challenge for many Mainers to remain in their homes as they age. A three-part, bipartisan plan called "KeepME Home" is intended to assist older Mainers with these obstacles. First, the bill proposes to expand the property tax credits that are available to seniors by increasing the Property Tax Fairness Credit fund. Another component is a housing bond to build 1,000 affordable apartments for seniors statewide. This will help people remain in their home communities if their medical needs are such that they can no longer live in their current home. Finally, the bill would raise salaries for in-home and personal care service workers through an increase to the Maine Care reimbursement rate. In-home and personal care services are critical in allowing many Mainers to remain in their homes as long as possible while receiving quality care. Many of our clients tell us this is one of their most important goals. The bill will be introduced when the Legislature convenes on December 3. For more information about the "KeepME Home" initiative, you can listen to a recent discussion about the bill on the Maine Calling radio program:, and also read about it here:
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