FREE Estate Planning and Elder Law Seminar

FREE Estate Planning and Elder Law Seminar Thursday, September 27 Cross Insurance Center, Bangor 7:30-8:00: Breakfast 8:00-12:00: Two track sessions for basic and advanced planning Please join us for a comprehensive and complimentary Estate Planning Event, presented by Maine Elder Law Firm and Rudman Winchell. Estate planning and long-term care issues affect us in both our personal and professional lives. In-depth fifty-minute sessions will run on two concurrent tracks: Track One covers the basics of estate and long-term care planning. Track Two addresses more advanced issues. Sessions are crafted for both individuals and professionals, offering insight to navigating the ever-changing worlds of estate and long-term care planning. Track One:
  • Basics of Estate Planning: Wills versus Trusts
  • Advance Health Care Directives and Financial Powers of Attorney
  • Basics of Long-Term Care Planning
  • Special Needs Trusts
Track Two:
  • Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts
  • Gun Trusts
  • Modification of Irrevocable Trusts
  • Probate & Whether to Avoid It
RSVP to secure your spot today The event is complimentary, but we urge you to email Jeff Solari at to reserve a space. Please reserve no later than September 15. Thank You. Presenting Attorneys:
  • Jane Skelton
  • Jennifer Eastman
  • Joy Trueworthy
  • Jonathan Hunter
  • Rachel Trafton
Categories: Uncategorized