Fifteen Myths Regarding Medicaid Nursing Home Benefits in Maine Myth 14 and 15

This series highlights the eligibility rules for Maine Medicaid (MaineCare) nursing home benefits and dispels certain myths the families that work with our office often hear.

Myth 14: The Medicaid Rules That Applied to My Neighbor When He Went Into a Nursing Home Will Also Apply to Me.

The Truth: Medicaid law and MaineCare rules change, so do not expect that the same laws and rules that governed your neighbor’s application are still in effect today.

Myth 15: I Can Research Medicaid Strategies on the Internet.

The Truth: This is only true to a very limited extent. Medicaid is a highly complex benefits program that is jointly funded by federal and state taxes but separately administered by each state. Each state creates its own rules, so the eligibility rules can—and do—vary significantly from one state to another. A strategy that works in one state could be disastrous for an individual in another state.

Rachel Trafton, Esq
Maine Elder Law Firm